Hundreds of eBird hotspots have been proposed for Bolivia. To save you from sifting through them for hours on end, here we present you with a shortlist of the country’s hottest of hotspots, or our top picks if you wish, whether it be in terms of total species richness, the number of endemics and other specialty species, or ease of access for that last lifer on your bucket list.

Área Protegida y Reserva Natural Aquicuana
Barba Azul Nature Reserve
Chuchini Ecological Reserve
Laney Rickman Nature Reserve
Riberalta – Pampa San Lorenzo North

Chapare Region, Miguelito Substation Road
Laguna Alalay
Red-fronted Macaw Reserve
San Miguel Polylepis Forest
Tablas Monte Area

Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Monte Willca

La Paz
Cerro Asunta Pata
Chalalán Lodge
Heath River Wildlife Center
Lake Titicaca, Southeast End
Old Coroico Road
Sadiri Lodge

Lago Uru Uru

Laguna Colorada

Santa Cruz
Área Protegida Municipal Curichi Cuajo & El Cafetal
Boyuibe Side Road
Caparú Biological Station
Lomas de Arena
Mirador de Tucabaca

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Flor de Oro
Refugio Los Volcanes
San Miguelito Jaguar Conservation Ranch
Santa Cruz Botanical Gardens
Serranía de Siberia