Turdus haplochrous

Common Names
Nombres Comunes
Unicolored ThrushZorzal Boliviano
Thrushes & Allies (Turdidae)Zorzales y Afines (Turdidae)
Conservation Status
Estatus de Conservación

Similar Species
Especies Similares
Nondescript; note dark, drab plumage, indistinct throat streaks, dull yellow-olive bill, faint brownish-yellow eye ring. Hauxwell's Thrush is warmer reddish-brown, has whitish lower belly, vent.Notar plumaje oscuro opaco, estrías indistintas de la garganta, pico olivo amarillo apagado, anillo ocular poco conspicuo amarillo marrón. El Zorzal de Hauxwell es marrón rojizo más cálido, vientre inferior y subcaudales blancos.
Abundance and Habitat
Abundancia y Hábitat
Uncommon to fairly common in gallery and várzea forest of fairly short stature in Llanos de Moxos and adjacent southern Amazonia; in tall várzea forest only at borders; rare in semi-deciduous forest at upland edge of floodplains.Poco común a bastante común en bosque de galería y várzea de estatura relativamente baja de los Llanos de Moxos y Amazonia sur adyacente; en bosque alto de várzea solo a los bordes; raro en bosque semideciduo no inundable al borde de la llanura aluvial.
Solitary in understory and mid-level; shy and difficult to see. Solitario en el sotobosque y estrato medio; tímido y difícil de ver.
Distribution in Bolivia
Distribución en Bolivia
Global Range
Rango Global
Endemic to Bolivia.Especie endémica de Bolivia.
Subspecies and Taxonomy
Subespecies y Taxonomía
Monotypic.Especie monotípica.

References/Citas Bibliográficas:

Herzog, S.K., O. Maillard Z., D. Embert, P. Caballero, & D. Quiroga. 2012. Range size estimates of Bolivian endemic bird species revisited: the importance of environmental data and national expert knowledge. Journal of Ornithology 153:1189-1202.

Lane, D.F. 2014. New and noteworthy records of birds in Bolivia. Cotinga 36:56-67.

Maillard Z., O., J.Q. Vidoz, & M. Herrera. 2008. Registros significativos de aves para el Departamento del Beni, Bolivia: Parte 2. Kempffiana 4(2):8-12.

O’Neill, J.P. 1976. Notes on two species of Bolivian birds. Wilson Bulletin 88:492-493.

Terrill, R.S., M.A. Aponte Justiniano, M.G. Harvey, G.F. Seeholzer, & R.I. Strem. 2014. Notes on the avifauna of the floodplain forest of the Rio Mamoré, Beni, Bolivia, with a description of the juvenile plumage of Unicolored Thrush (Turdus haplochrous). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science 82.

White, A.G., R.C. Brace, & A.J. Payne. 1995. Additional records of and notes on the Unicoloured Thrush Turdus haplochrous, a little known Bolivian endemic. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 115:29-33.

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